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  1. 题型介绍

    变型名称:Pusula Sudoku 指南针数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:The arrow of an odd digit points to the biggest even neighbor of the cell, the arrow of an even digit points to the biggest odd neighbor of the cell ; All arrows are given. 将1-9填入空格,使得每行、列、宫内无重复数字。如果一格是奇数,箭头指向它相邻的最大偶数,如果一格是偶数,箭头指向它相邻的最大奇数,所有符合条件的箭头均已标出。 范例出处:TFOSCAWSC2010 范例图片:
  2. 变型名称:Diag. nonconsecutive Sudoku 斜向不连续数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid following classic/irregular/diagonal sudoku rules. There is no pair of diagonally adjacent cells in the grid with two consecutive digits.在标准数独或锯齿数独或对角线数独规则基础上,任意斜左上、斜左下、斜右上、斜右下相邻两格之间差值不为1。 范例出处:Fed-SuDoKu (Krtek's Cup) 第120局 范例图片: 解题技巧:先按标准数独、锯齿数独、对角线数独规则确定候选数,再用斜向不连续规则排除候选数。反向使用,就是能确定一个数如4,只出现在一行或一列中隔一格的两个格里,那么与这两格斜向差一格的位置就不能是3或者5,否则这两个格中都不能为4了,违反一般数独的规则。 请参看: 不连续数独
  3. 变型名称:More-or-less sudoku 异形区数独 (中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid with number 1 to N so that every row and column contains every digit exactly once. The grid is divided into irregular areas. When the area consists of more than N cells, it should contain each digit at least once. When the area consists of less than N cells, no digit can repeat in it. 在空格中填入1-N(本例子中为1-9),使得每行、列数字不重复。盘面被粗线划分成了几个宫,有的宫格数大于N(例子中为9),则1-7在这个宫中各至少出现一次。有的宫格数小于N(例子中为9),则宫内的数字不可重复。 范例出处:Fed-Sudoku 范例图片:
  4. 变型名称:Mine Field Sudoku 地雷阵数独 变型规则:Fill the grid with digits 1 through 6 and three “Mines” (using “X” represent a “Mine”), each row, column and thick outlined grid contain all digits and three “Mines” without explosion. If there are four “Mines” in a group in connection(not diagonally connections), an explosion occurs. 请在以下空格内填入1-6和三枚“地雷”(均用“X”标示)。每行、每列、每宫内数字不重复且恰有三枚“地雷”,且不引发爆炸事故。如果有至少四枚“地雷”连接成一整体(不包括倾斜相接),将引发地雷阵爆炸。 范例出处:原创 解题技巧:综合使用不规则数独及本题的规则,确定数字和“地雷”的位置,并保证四个“地雷”不连成整体。 范例解答:
  5. 变型名称:Max Quad Sudoku 四角最大数独 (中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill the grid with the digits 1 to 9. Each row, column and 3x3-box will have exactly one of each digit. The red points in the near of crosses where four cells meet each other show that the cell with the red points is greater then the three other ones. There is only one solution. You can find it by logic. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。四格之间的红点表示这四格中最大数的位置。 范例出处:作者:Uwe Wiedmann 范例图片:
  6. 变型名称: little Killer Sudoku 小杀手数独 变型规则:Place a digit from 1 to 9 into each of the empty squares so that each digit appears exactly once in each of the rows, columns, nine outlined 3x3 regions and each of the two main diagonals. Numbers with arrows indicate sum of the numbers in each direction. 将1-9填入空格,使得每行、列、九宫格,两条大对角线均含1-9,不重复。周围的数字表示该箭头方向所有数字之和,箭头经过数字可以重复。 范例出处: Thomas 范例图片: 解题技巧:缺
  7. 题型介绍

    变型名称:Antiknight Sudoku 无马数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Apply standard sudoku rules. Moreover the same numbers are not chess-knight move connected. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。每一格与其前进2拐1格的数值不相同。 范例出处:Fed-Sudoku 范例图片:
  8. 题型介绍

    Square madness 伪窗口数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid with digits 1 to 9 so that no digit will repeat in every row and column. Moreover each digit from 1 to 9 appears exactly once in each outlined square with 9 cells.在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、每列数字不重复(注意:没要求每宫内数字不重复)。用线标示出的方框(窗口,相当于宫)内的数字不重复。 范例出处:Fed-SuDoKu (Krtek's Cup) 第76局 范例图片: 解题技巧:与窗口数独很相似,只是不要求每宫数字不重复,这样反而很容易造成我们的误算,因为我们已经习惯每宫内数字不重复这一规则了。所以要先根据行、列不允许重复的要求填好候选数,再根据标示出的方框内数字不允许重复这一要求一点儿一点儿填好候选数。然后就反复研究这些行、列、标示出的方框,而对于我们习惯的宫一定要视而不见。
  9. 题型介绍

    变型名称:Snail Sudoku 蜗牛数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Place numbers in the grid such that every row, column and 3x3 box contain the numbers 1 to 9. Along the path of the snail, no two digits can be consecutive. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。沿着灰线“蜗牛”行进的方向,相邻数字差值不为1。 范例出处:作者 Rohan Rao 范例图片:
  10. 题型介绍

    变型名称:Arrow Sudoku 箭头数独 变型规则:Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 region contains the digits 1 through 9.      The digit in a grey cell is the sum of the digits on the path of the arrow starting from it.      将1-9填入空格使得每行、列、九宫格均含1-9,不重复。标示格的数值为箭头经过所有格数值(可重复)之和。 范例出处: 范例图片: 解题技巧:暂缺
  11. 题型介绍

    变型名称:Snooker Sudoku 斯诺克数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Apply standard sudoku rules. Fill the grid with digits 1 to 9 to be able to play snooker with following rules: At first a ball with the lowest number is played by the cue with the same number to the pocket of the same number. There mustn-t stand any other ball in the way. On its way there is not the given shot number. There can be a rebound to the barrier. The shot direction is 45° or 26°(1:1 or 1:2) according to the given cue position. The ball we played disappears from the table and we continue playing with the ball of higher number. The last ball we play is the ball with the highest number. The numbers in one shot (a cue, ball, and pocket) are the same. The shot numbers on the turn of playing gradually rise, not necessarily by one. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。按照球的递增顺序(即圈格内的数字,差值不一定为1)依次使用合适的杆将球打入洞(用U表示)中。匹配的杆、球、洞格填写相同的数字。球遇到桌沿可以反弹。球的移动路径按照45度或26度(1:1或1:2)格走,且不可击打到其它球。序号较大球击打时,序号较小的球已经入袋则其所占格可以经过。 范例出处:Fed-Sudoku 范例图片:
  12. 变型名称:Greater than Killer Sudoku GTkiller数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid with numbers from 1 to 9 following classic sudoku rules. Given value in corner of the cage is the sum of numbers in the cage. Numbers in one cage should be different. Inequality (and equality) signs show comparison between cages with sums not given. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。虚线框内数字的和等于每个虚线框左上角的数字。每个虚线框内数字无重复。两个虚线框之间的">"、"<"、"="表示虚线框内数字之和的大小关系。 范例出处:Fed-Sudoku 范例图片:
  13. 变型名称:Shape killer Sudoku 形同killer数独 (中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid with numbers from 1 to 9 following classic sudoku rules. Numbers in cages of same shape give same sum, numbers in cages of different shape give different sum. Rotated or mirrored shapes are considered as different. Numbers in one cage should be different. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。相同形状的虚线框(不可旋转或翻转)内数字之和相同。每个虚线框内数字无重复。 范例出处:Fed-Sudoku 范例图片:
  14. 题型介绍

    变型名称:Neighbors Sudoku 异邻数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid so that every row, column, and 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. There is a cross in the cell if the value of the digit (in this cell) is the number of different digits among its diagonal neighbors. If the value of the digit is the number of different digits among all the neighbors (up to 8 in any direction), there is a circle in the cell. All the cells with given characteristics are indicated. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。“×”格的数值表示其对角相邻格(左上,左下、右上、右下四格)当中不同数值的数的个数,“○”格的数值表示其周围八格中不同数值的数的个数,凡是符合这两个条件的格均已标出。 范例出处:作者 Jan Novotný 范例图片: 解题技巧:缺
  15. 变型名称:Diagonal Kropki Sudoku 石头剪刀布数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Apply standard sudoku rules. This puzzle is similar to a standard kropki sudoku but, in this puzzle, relations are between diagonally cells. There are three types of signs (white dot, black dot and cross). A white dot indicates that the difference between diagonally adjacent cells is 1. A black dot means that one number is the double of the other one (between the numbers 1 and 2, there is always a black dot). And a cross is between cells that have same numbers. All the signs are marked in the sudoku grid with application of the following sign priority rule: cross, black dot, white dot (e.g., if one diagonal pair is 5–6 and the second pair is 4–8, then black dot is placed between the numbers). 将1-9填入空格,使得每行、列、宫内无重复数字。对于对角方向的相邻格,凡是数字相同的用X表示,余下的凡是一格是另一格的两倍用黑点表示,余下的凡是两格差值为1的用白点表示,所有符合上述情况的均已标出,标注顺序按照X,黑点,白点,例如2×2的区域,一组对角相邻格为5-6,另一组为4-8,则应标注表示2倍关系的黑点。 范例出处:作者:Gotroch(Jakub Hrazdira) Cauchy(Maruska Benediktova) 范例图片:
  16. 变型名称:Modulo 9 neighbors Sudoku 九余数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid so that every row, column and 3*3 box contain the digits 0 to 8 ; All cells whose digit equals modulo 9 of the sum of the digits of the vertical and horizontal neighboring cells are colored in grey. Modulo 9 of a number is the remainder of the Euclidean division of the number by 9 (ex: modulo 9 of 25 equals 7 (25 = 2*9 + 7)). 将1-9填入空格,使得每行、列、宫内无重复数字。灰格表示其上下左右四格数字之和被9除的余数刚好和这格数值相同。 范例出处:TFOSCAWSC2010 范例图片:
  17. 题型介绍

    变型名称:Navigator Sudoku 导航数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3*3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. The arrows in a cell show the location of the digit inside that cell, in the previous / next column or row according to the direction in which the arrow points. 将1-9填入空格,使得每行、列、宫内无重复数字,有箭头的格表示其指向的方向(其上方行、下方行、左侧列、右侧列中这个数字出现的位置。例如题目中r1c5的数字X在第二行就位于r2c6789中,依此类推。 范例出处:ChampionShip France 2008-part5 范例图片:
  18. 题型介绍

    变型名称:Transfer Sudoku 传递数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:In the filled sudoku grid, the digits in grey cells have been erased. Then four digits in every row have been transfered to the right, keeping the same order. Four digits in every column have been transfered down, keeping the same order. Restore all digits in the grid. 在空格内填上数字,灰格上的数字是被抹去的。将右侧和下方的数字按照顺序转移到所在行、列中,并完成余下盘面,使得每行、列、宫内无重复数字。 范例出处:ChampionShip France 2008-part2 范例图片:
  19. 题型介绍

    变型名称:Capsules Sudoku 胶囊数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every outlined rectangle contains the digits 1 through 8. The digit in each capsule is used for the three columns. 在空格内填上1-8,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。在胶囊里面的数字占据3列位置。 范例出处:ChampionShip France 2008-part2 范例图片:
  20. Counting on line 短线和数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid with digits 1 to 9 following classic sudoku rules. There are three digits on each line, one of them is a sum of remaining two.在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。每条短线上有3个数字,其中的1个数字是另外2个数字的和。 范例出处:Fed-SuDoKu (Krtek's Cup) 第75局 范例图片: 解题技巧:短线上的3个数字相互之间有和差关系,可用来排除候选数。如:这条短线上涉及2、3、5、8、9这5个候选数,可有2、3、5和3、5、8两组,排除9;如果根据其他条件确定这条短线上肯定含有8,那么这条短线上就肯定不含有2。
  21. 题型介绍

    Antidiagonal宫对角线数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid with digits 1 to 9 following classic sudoku rules. Moreover on each of marked main diagonals there are exactly three different digits.在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。标示出的每条主对角线上有且仅有3个不同的数字。 范例出处:Fed-SuDoKu (Krtek's Cup) 第74局 范例图片: 解题技巧:主对角线上正好有3个不同的数字,而在这条主对角线上的同一宫内的3个数不可能相同,那么这条主对角线上的3个不同的数字正好就是同一宫内的这3个数,就好像是这一宫内的“对角线数独”似的,因此起名为“宫对角线数独”。同一宫内对角线上3个数字当然不能相同,感觉像是废话了,但因主对角线上仅有3个不同的数字,所以在同一对角线上的另外2个宫的同一方向对角线上数字也是这3个不同的数字,这就意味着这3个宫内已给出的数字全都不在这条对角线上,可以大量删减候选数,快速把对角线上的数字确定下来。如:左上到右下这条对角线,根据1、5、9这3宫已有数字,可以知道对角线上没有1、3、4、7、8、9,那么这3个不同的数字就是2、5、6了。
  22. 变型名称:Frame Skyscraper Sudoku 楼外边框数独(英文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid so that every row, column, and 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Numbers around the grid show count of visible skyscrapers from given direction. Digits in the outside frame equal the sum of the three numbers of the corresponding row or column, include skyscraper clue and two numbers in the contigous box. 在标准数独规则基础上,周围的提示数表示周围蓝色格为摩天楼观测数(即从该位置观察该行或列,可以看到的数字个数,大数会挡住后面的小数。也可将数字比作相应层数的楼房);更加外围的提示数,表示该行、列前三格(一个蓝格和两个白格)里的数字之和。 范例出处:作者 真笑天天 范例图片: 解题思路,一些比较特殊的外围提示: 5:前两格肯定不含9,所以摩天提示必为2+,所以摩天提示是2,后面是21; 6:312,321,231; 7:412,421,313,331,241,232; 19:因为8+9=17,还差2,必然是289的顺序; 18:可能的情况是198,279; 17:可能的情况是197,269,278,287,368(九宫格内第一位至少是6)。
  23. 题型介绍

    Even or odd 或奇或偶数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid with digits 1 to 9 following classic sudoku rules. All shaded cells across the whole grid contain digits with the same parity, all even or all odd.在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。所有灰色高亮格的数字奇偶性相同。(规则请参看:All Odd or All Even全奇全偶数独) 范例出处:Fed-SuDoKu (Krtek's Cup) 第73局 范例图片: 解题技巧:充分考虑或奇或偶两种情况。如本题第二宫,最上边高亮格为6,下边高亮格必为4;那么第八宫上边高亮格必为8,下边两个高亮格只能是2、4、6;第六行四个高亮格,奇数必为1、3、7、9,偶数必为2、4、6、8,可以很快排除奇数。解题技巧也可借鉴——All Odd or All Even全奇全偶数独。
  24. 变型名称:Prime killer 素数杀手数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid with numbers from 1 to 9 following classic sudoku rules. Sums of digits in all cages are prime numbers. Numbers in one cage should be different. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。虚线框内数字的和等于一个素数。每个虚线框内数字无重复。 范例出处:Fed-SuDoKu (Krtek's Cup) 第47局第4题 范例图片: 解题技巧:先将3到45的素数写在一张纸上,3、5、7、11、13、17、19、23、29、31、37、41、43。虚线框为2格的是3至17,3格的7至24,4格的11至29,5格的17至31。2格以上的素数都是单数,每宫的和为45也是单数,在排除候选数时要充分考虑这些。
  25. Scattered killer 散落锯齿杀手数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every outlined (coloured) region contains the digits 1 to 9. One of the regions consists of nine cells which are scattered through all the grid. Value in corner of each cage gives the sum of numbers in the cage. Numbers in one cage should be different.在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、不规则宫内数字不重复(即锯齿数独)。其中一个宫散落在各处,其数字仍为1至9不重复。这些宫是用不同颜色标出的。虚线框内数字的和等于每个虚线框左上角的数字。每个虚线框内数字无重复。 范例出处:Fed-SuDoKu (Krtek's Cup) 第72局第5题 范例图片: 解题技巧:按正常锯齿数独确定数字及候选数,随时注意筛选散落在各处的那一宫内数字,因其散落各处,往往更容易快速确定。