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找到 99 个结果

  1. 题型介绍

    变型名称:Outside Sudoku 外围数独 (中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Outside digits must be inserted in the corresponding row or column of the contiguos box. There is only one solution. You can find it by logic. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。周围的数字表示这个方向前三格有的数字(无顺序)。 范例出处:作者:Uwe Wiedmann 范例图片:
  2. 题型介绍

    变型名称:Wrong Killer Sudoku 别杀数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Apply standard sudoku rules. Four drunken puzzlers (marked with circles) seek their way home after the party (homes marked with symbols). They went here and there, always to the neighbouring cell, sharing edge or point. They went over nine cells (first with circle, last with house). There were all numbers 1 to 9 in order along the way. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。虚线框左上角的数字表示该虚线框内所有数字的和是这个值的+1或-1,例如左上角的数字为4,则这两格的正确数值为3或5,每个虚线框内不得有重复数字。 范例出处:作者 Jan Novotný 范例图片:
  3. 变型名称:123 Don't Arrow Sudoku 箭异数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 3. Each row, column, and 3x3 box contains each digit three times. The red arrows indicate that the digit in that cell can't appear in the direction of the arrow. There is only one solution. You can find it by logic. 在空格中填入123,使得每行、列、宫内各有3个1,3个2,3个3。箭头格的数字在箭头所示方向不会出现。 范例出处:作者:Uwe Wiedmann 范例图片:
  4. 题型介绍

    变型名称:Worms Sudoku 蠕虫数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:The numbers 1--9 must each appear exactly once in each row, column, and block. In addition, each worm should consist of an increasing sequence of numbers from tail to head. For example, a worm of length four could contain the numbers 2, 5, 6, and 8, in that order from tail to head. You have to figure out for each worm which end is the head and which is the tail. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。每条虫为一组从小到大排列的数组(从哪一头开始需要自己判断得到),例如一条长度为4的蠕虫,上面的数字可以为2,5,6,8。 范例出处:brainfreeze puzzles 范例图片:
  5. 变型名称:Black-cell Handling Sudoku 黑洞数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Each region, row, and column contains numbers 1-9 and three black cells. The black cells have to obey Japanese crossword rules: no two are orthogonally adjacent, and they can't divide the grid up into two regions. 在空格中填入1-9和,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。余下格为涂黑格,涂黑格不可上下左右相连,也不可把整个盘面划分为两个区域。 范例出处:ナンプレファン 范例图片:
  6. 题型介绍

    变型名称:Pantin Sudoku 错位数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid with digits 1 to 9, so that every row, column and 3*3 box contain different digits. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。 范例出处:TFOSAWSC2010 范例图片:
  7. 变型名称:All Odd or All Even 全奇全偶数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Shaded cells contain either even digits only or odd digits only. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。每个宫中灰色高亮格的数字奇偶性相同。 范例出处:Mock Test 8,Round B 2008 范例图片:
  8. 题型介绍

    变型名称:Zero to Nine SUDOKU 0-9数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 0 through 9. Some cells contain two digits. 在空格中填入0-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。部分有"/"的空格需要填写2个数字。 范例出处:France 2008 范例图片:
  9. 题型介绍

    变型名称:Domino Sudoku 骨牌数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。每个所给骨牌(每个使用一次)放入黑色粗线区域中。 范例出处:作者:Ed Pegg Jr 范例图片:
  10. 变型名称:Product Last-Digit Arrow Sudoku 积尾数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Follow Sudoku rules. Additionally, for each arrow, multiply the numbers along that arrow. The last digit of the product is in the cell pointed to by that arrow. Digits can repeat within an arrow, and may also repeat with the cell pointed to by the arrow. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。圈中的数字为其箭头经过所有格的乘积的个位数,如经过234则圈中数字为4(2×3×4=24)每条箭头线上的数字可重复。 范例出处:作者:Thomas Snyder 范例图片:
  11. 变型名称:Integer Division Sudoku 邻商数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Follow Sudoku Rules. Some edges between cells are marked with a number. The number denotes the quotient received when the bigger number is divided by the smaller number, with any remainder discarded. For example, the number between a 3 and a 7, if marked, would be marked with a 2, since 7 divided by 3 is 2 (with a remainder of 1). 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。两格之间的数字表示该两格较大数除较小数得到的商,例如2和5之间的提示为2,3和7之间的提示为2... 范例出处:作者:Thomas Snyder 范例图片:
  12. 题型介绍

    变型名称:Between Sudoku 间数数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. The cells the arrow points contain numbers between the numbers the arrow points. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。有双箭头标示的格,其数字为箭头所指两格之间的数值。例如例题中r6c6为5和8之间的数,即6或7. 范例出处:作者:西尾徹也 范例图片:
  13. 变型名称:Greater Than and Killer Sudoku GT&Killer数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid with numbers from 1 to 9 following classic sudoku rules. Given value in corner of the cage is the sum of numbers in the cage. Numbers in one cage should be different. Inequality (and equality) signs show comparison between cages with sums not given. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。虚线框内数字的和等于每个虚线框左上角的数字。每个虚线框内数字无重复。两格之间的">"、"<"、"="表示这两格数字的大小关系。 范例出处:Fed-Sudoku 范例图片:
  14. 题型介绍

    变型名称:Triathlon Sudoku 铁人数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid so that every row, column, and 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Three digits marked with the plus-symbol indicate the sum of three closest digits in given row or column. Three digits marked with the cross-symbol (multiplication symbol) indicate the product of three closest digits in given row or column. Three digits marked with the square-symbol indicate the number of visible skyscrapers through the whole row or column in given direction. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。+表示该数值是这个方向前3格的数字之和,×表示该数值是这个方向前3格数值的乘积,□表示这个方向可以看到的数字的个数(大的数字会挡住小的数字,使小的数字看不见,例如142769853可以看到的是1479四个数,用4表示,其他数均被之前更大的数挡住了) 范例出处:作者 Jan Novotný 范例图片:
  15. 题型介绍

    变型名称:Sudoku Parquet 拼板数独 (中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, every 4 x 4 box, the green, the orange and the blue fields contain the digits 1 through 9. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫、每种颜色数字不重复。 范例出处:Uwe Wiedmann 范例图片:
  16. 变型名称:Up and Down Sudoku 大小交替数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. In each green line the numbers are alternating larger and smaller. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。绿线上的数字按照比前一格大、比前一格小的顺序交替排列,如下图所示: 范例出处:作者:Uwe Wiedmann 范例图片:
  17. 变型名称:What's The Sum-Difference? 和差组合数独 (中文名为自译) 变型规则:在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。两格之间的圈表示这两格的和或差为N,且所有符合和或差是N的均已标出。六道题目N分别为3,4,5,6,7,8(每个数用一次),需要通过推理得到每一题的N是多少。 范例出处:Russian Sudoku Championships 范例图片:
  18. 题型介绍

    变型名称:Difference Sudoku 差值数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill the grid with the digits 1 to 9. Each row, column and 3x3-box has exactly one of each digit. The numbers between two cells give the difference of the digits. There is only one solution. You can find it by logic. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。两格之间的数字表示这两格的差值。 范例出处:作者:Uwe Wiedmann 范例图片:
  19. 题型介绍

    变型名称:Pandigital Sudoku 算式数独 (中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Additional the rows form 9 correct arithmetic expressions reading from left to right. There is only one solution. You can find it by logic. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。每行都是一个3个三位数之间的计算式,方向由左向右,如123+456<789。 范例出处:作者:Uwe Wiedmann 范例图片:
  20. 题型介绍

    变型名称:Sudoku Pairs 十对数独 (中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. The sum of the connected pairs is 10. There is only one solution. You can find it by logic. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。连线的两格数值之和为10。 范例出处:作者:Uwe Wiedmann 范例图片:
  21. 变型名称:One digit to much Sudoku 删一数数独 (中文名为自译) 变型规则:This is a simple sudoku variant. Delete in every cell one number, so that after that that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. There is only one solution. You can find it by logic. 在每格删去一个数,使得每行、列、宫内数字为1-9,不重复。 范例出处:作者:Uwe Wiedmann 范例图片:
  22. 题型介绍

    变型名称:Jing Sudoku 井数独 (中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and the 3x3 boxes contain the digits 1 through 9. The green cell must be different from all yellow cells. There is only one solution. You can find it by logic. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。绿色格的数字与任何一个黄色格的数字不同。 范例出处:作者:Uwe Wiedmann 范例图片:
  23. 题型介绍

    变型名称:Four Winds Sudoku 划线数独 (中文名为自译) 变型规则:- Place a digit from 1 to 9 into each of the empty squares so that each digit appears exactly once in each of the rows, columns and the nine outlined 3x3 regions. - One or more horizontal or vertical lines are drawn from each circled square with number inside(called head). - Lines cannot cross other heads. - Each head number indicates how many squares are connected by its lines; the numbered squares themselves are not counted. - No lines overlap or intersect each other, and each empty square is covered by exactly one line. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。由每个圆圈出发有一些横向或垂线,线不可穿过圆圈格,圈中数字表示该格出发线条经过的格数。线不可交叉或重叠,每个圈经过各格的数字不可重复。每个非圈格都会有一条线经过。 范例出处:Karel Tesař 范例图片: 在Fed-Sudoku做本题
  24. 题型介绍

    变型名称:Balanced Sudoku 天平数独 (中文名为自译) 变型规则:Fill in the grid with numbers 1 to 9 following classic sudoku rules. Numbers along the grey line represent weights and should make the lever with marked rotation point balanced (see example). 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。灰色底线部分为一个天平,为保持天平平衡,左右两边各自力臂乘以力矩之和相等(如上图所示)。 范例出处:Fed-Sudoku 范例图片:
  25. 变型名称:Hidden Consecutive Sudoku x不连续数独(中文名为自译) 变型规则:Apply standard sudoku rules. Moreover there is one number N specific for the grid. All pairs of cells sharing edge, where the digits have difference of N, are marked. 在空格中填入1-9,使得每行、列、宫内数字不重复。两格之间数值差值为N的均已用圈圈标出。不过N是几需要通过自己推理判断。 范例出处:Fed-Sudoku 范例图片: