Killer sudoku is a popular variation on the classic sudoku puzzle. Regular sudoku rules apply. In addition, the numbers within each outlined region must sum to the indicated value, and numbers may not repeat within these regions. The grid begins blank, but these rules give you all the information you need to solve the puzzle!
Solving a killer sudoku puzzle requires a lot of notes, so we worked hard to make the note entry features in this app perfect. A dedicated note keypad and the ability to select multiple squares makes entering notes fast. You can even make combination lists that float above the puzzle and can be rearranged on the screen!
Our interface is so good, you may prefer it to doing puzzles on paper.不越狱解锁方法:需要工具:iTools(其他类似软件也可以)。
前往App Store下载Sudoku Killer,本文使用的是2.5版。
打开游戏,点一下“new puzzle”。退出软件并完全关闭(双击Home键,在下方显示的应用列表中,长按应用图标后点叉退出)。
将 iPhone/iPad 与电脑连接,打开目录管理软件 iTools,找到软件列表中的SudokuKiller,进入文档管理。
进入目录 /Library/Preferences,找到文件com.megafaunasoft.sudokukiller.plist。使用压缩包内的Plist进行替换(此操作会覆盖存档)。
iPhone/iPod Touch:com.megafaunasoft.sudokukiller.zip