• 公告

    • 叶卡林娜

      捐赠本站 (2022.06.20更新)   2017年04月13日




      2012.11-2019.03.20江南晚报出题稿费收入8650.00元。 2021.2.4出题费收入1000.00元。





      目前收到捐赠列表(按捐赠时间倒序排列): 木心 200.00元(2022年6月17日)
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      马鸿煜小朋友 110.00元(2020年3月28日)
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      TheOne 188.00元(2019年8月11日)
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      zrlyg(@自然) 800.00元(2012年2月5日)
      梁跃(@月亮大哥) 500.00元(2011年3月)
    • 叶卡林娜

      数独谜题类站点博客列表   2017年04月13日

      网站类 Fed Sudoku - 每日数独,每周10题 Croco Puzzle - 每日两道谜题 Janko - 有很多谜题 Puzzle Picnic - 网友出的数独、谜题,每日更新一题 LogicMastersIndia - 每月数独谜题月赛 Killer Sudoku Online - 每日每周杀手数独、数比杀手数独 Sudoku Cup - 每年2次数独线上赛 Sudoku Variants - Uwe Wiedemann的数独谜题站点 The Griddle - David Millar的数独谜题站 Oubk欧泊颗 - 中文数独网站,可以在线PK 数独玩家论坛 数独解题技巧汇编 - 教你数独怎么玩 英国数独官网 澳洲数独官网 在线标准数独解析 - 教你数独技巧 Sudocue - 免费的数独软件sudocue,可解标准数独、锯齿数独、杀手数独 Djape - 他们有出版很多数独、谜题书籍 Griddlers - 数图专题网站 Nikoli - 日本谜题公司 17提示数标准数独搜集验证 Logic-Pixels
      博客类 The Art of Puzzles - Thomas Snyder(周五更新) Detuned Radio - Tom Collyer(周五更新) Melon's Puzzles - Palmer Mebane(周三更新) PS's puzzles + - Prasanna Seshadri(每日更新) (主に)へやわけ保管庫 - 木兄(每周2、3、5、6更新) Para's Puzzle Site - Bram de Laat A Cleverly Titled Logical Puzzle Blog - Grant Fikes 石氏是时试 - 本站站长休息 陈岑的数独博客 - 陈岑 创意数独 快乐生活 - 乐逍遥(应长丰) 金策空间 - jcvb(金策) 谜者老芦 - 芦向明
追随者 0

Bram de Laat原创谜题专帖

18 篇文章在这个主题里

  • Puzzle #123: Parquet
  • 题型设计者:Naoki Inaba
  • 规则:Colour one of two regions in every blackbordered 2x2 area to form a single contiguous shape. This shape doesn't have any 2x2 coloured sections anywhere. Also this shape doesn't form any loops anywhere.在每个2×2粗线宫选取一块平板涂黑,使得所有涂黑区域纵横相连成一片连续区域。任意2×2区域不能同时被涂黑。
    Parquet Ex.png
    Parquet 1.png



  • Puzzle #132: Complimentary Hexa Sudoku
  • 规则:Place the digits 1~9 in every cell, so that no digit is repeated in any row in any of the three directions. When a dot is given between three cells, it means that two of the digits add to the third digit. Not all dots are given.
    Sudoku 11.png



  • World Puzzle Championship 2012: Round 12 Half Dominoes
  • 规则:Place the given Half Dominoes in each 3x3 square so that each of the five 9x9 grids contains each half domino once. No Half Domino can be repeated in any row, column or main diagonal, even if they are in seperate 9x9 grids. Numbers on the outside indicate the amount of dots in that complete row, column or diagonal. Arrows with numbers indicate the direction of possibly ambiguous clues.
    12 Half Dominos.png
    Half Dominoes.png



  • Puzzle #134: Fillomino; Liar
  • 规则:Follow regular Fillomino rules. Additionally, in each row and column exactly one of the clues is wrong.
    Fillomino 1.png



  • Puzzle #136: Paint-by-Frame
  • 题型设计者:Bram de Laat
  • 规则:Paint some cells black. Numbers on the outside indicate the amount of cells that are framed by the other colour in that row or column. Framed cells do not need to be consecutive.
    Paint by Frame Example.png
    Paint by Frame.png




1. Honey Islands (10 + 15 points)

Colour some hexagons so that the remaining white hexagons form 6 seperate connected areas of 6


Honey Islands 1.png Honey Islands 2.png


2. Easy as ABCD (15 + 20 points)

Place the letter A~D once in every row and column. The letters on the outside indicate that this letter is

seen first in that row or column from that side.

Easy as ABC 1.png Easy as ABC 2.png


3. Tents and Trees (25 + 35 points)

Place a tent ortogonally next to each tree so that no two tents touch eachother, not even diagonally.

Numbers on the outside indicate the amount of tents that are in that row or column.

Tents and Trees 1.png Tents and Trees 2.png


4. Heterocut (30 + 35 points)

Divide the grid into regions of sizes 2, 3, 4 or 5 cells. No two regions can be the same shape; rotations

and reflections are considered the same shape. Some borders are already given. Arrows on these

borders always point to the larger of the two regions.

Heterocut 1.png


Heterocut 2.png


5. Crack It On (30 points)

Put all given words into the two grids, so that they can be read left to right or top to bottom. Each area

should contain 1 letter. Both grids and all words form a single puzzle.

Crack It On.png


6. Fillomino (40 points)

Divide the grid into different regions along the gridlines. No two regions of the same size can touch

eachother by a side. Numbers in the grid indicate that this cell is part of a region of that size. A region

can contain more than one given number.



7. Magic Snail (40 points)

Place the numbers 1~4 (1~3 in the example) once in every row and column. When moving through the

snail from the opening to the center, you should encounter the numbers 1~4 (1~3 in the example) in

order (1-2-3-4-1-2... etc.).

Magic Snail.png


8. Tapa (20 points)

Colour some cells to create a single contiguous shape. The shape can't have any 2 by 2 coloured areas.

The clues in the grid tell you how many consecutive cells around it have to be coloured. If there's more

than one digit in a cell, the groups of cells have to be seperated by at least one empty cell. Cells with

clues remain empty.



9. Magnetic Tapa (70 points)

Colour some 2x1 rectangles to form a single contiguous shape. The shape can't have any 2 by 2

coloured areas. The clues in the grid tell you how many consecutive cells around it have to be

coloured. If there's more than one digit in a cell, the groups of cells have to be seperated by at least one

empty cell. Empty rectangles are magnetic plates. Each magnetic plate has a positive (+) and negative

(-) pole. Poles with the same symbol can't be orthogonally adjacent. The numbers outside the grid

indicate how many of the indicated symbol appears in that row or column.

Magnetic Tapa.png


10. Penta Diagonal (50 points)

Place all twelve pentominos (five tetrominos in the example) in the grid so that no two pentominos

touch eachother by a side. Everywhere two pentominos touch diagonally a dot is given. Pentominos

may be rotated and reflected.

Penta Diagonal.png


11. Compass (50 points)

Colour some squares so that all remaining white squares form a single contiguous polyomino. Black

squares can't touch eachother by a side. There can't be any 2x2 area of white cells anywhere. Squares

with arrows or stars can't be coloured. Arrows indicate that this direction is the only way you can

travel to the star over the white cells without backtracking.



12. Battleship Observers (55 points)

Place the given fleet in the grid. Numbers in the grid indicate the total amount of empty cells that can

be seen from that cell till it sees a ship or border in all four directions, not counting the cell itself.

Ships can't be placed on cells with numbers.

Battleship Observer.png


13. Myopia (65 points)

Draw a single closed loop across the grid lines. Lines in the grid indicate in which of the four

directions the loop is closest when looking from that square.



14. Double or Nothing (70 points)

Draw two closed loops by connecting centers of cells horizontally and vertically. The loops can't touch

or cross themselves or eachother in any white cell. Each white square is visited by one of the two

loops. Cells with circles are either visited by both loops or neither of the loops. When the loops go

through a square with a white circle they always go straight.

Double or Nothing.png


15. Paint-by-Frame (65 points)

Paint some cells black. Numbers on the outside indicate the amount of cells that are framed by the

other colour in that row or column. Framed cells do not need to be consecutive.

Paint by Frame 2.png


16. Maxi Loop 24 (80 points)

Draw a single closed loop that travels horizontally and vertically through all cells once. The loop

doesn't touch or cross itself. The grid is partitioned in a number of blackbordered regions. A number in

a region indicate the highest amount of cells the loop travels through consecutively in that region. All

2 and 4 clues are given.

Maxi Loop 24.png


17. Killer Sudoku (80 points)

Place the digits 1~9 (1~6 in the example) once in every row, column and blackbordered 3x3 area(2x3

area in the example). In the grid some dashed cages are given. Number in these cages indicate the sum

of the digits in those cages. Digits can't repeat within dashed cages.

Killer Sudoku.png


18. Complementary Hexa Sudoku (100 points)

Place a digit from 1~9 (1~7 in the example) in every cell, so that no digit is repeated in any of the three

directions. When a dot is given between three cells, the digits of 2 of the cells add to the digit in the

third cell. Not all dots are given.

Complementary Hexa Sudoku.png



  • Puzzle #141: Japanese Sums
  • 规则:Place the digits 1-9 in some of the squares, so that no digit is repeated in any row or column. Sums on the outside indicate the sums of consecutive digits in that row or column. Each sum is seperated by at least one empty square.
    Japanese Sums Ex.png
    Japanese Sums 1.png



  • Puzzle #142: killer sudoku
  • 规则:在空格内填上1-9,使得每行、列、粗线宫内均含1-9,不重复。每个虚线框内的所有数字之和等于左上角的提示数字,且每个虚线框内无重复数字。
    Sudoku 13.png










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